I'm just trying to learn to use external ADC and DAC (PT8211) with my PIC32MX534f06h.
So far, my code is just about sampling a signal with my ADC every time a timer-interrupt is triggered, then sending then same signal out to the DAC. The interrupt and ADC part works fine and have been tested independently, but the voltages that my DAC outputs don't make much sens to me and stay at 2,5V (it's powered at 0 - 5V).
I've tried to feed the DAC various values ranging from 0 to 65534 (16bits DAC so i guess it should be the expected range of the values to feed to it, right?) voltage stays at 2.5V.
I've tried changing the SPI configuration, using different SPIs (3 and 4) and DACs (I have one soldered to my pcb, soldered to SPI3, and one one breadboard, linked to SPI4 in case the one soldered on my board was defective). I made sure that the chip selection line works as expected. I couldn't see the data and clock that are transmissed since i don't have a scope yet.
I'm a bit out of ideas now.
Chip selection and SPI configuration settings
signed short adc_value;
signed short DAC_output_value;
int Empty_SPI3_buffer;
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Set() {LATDSET=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Clr() {LATDCLR=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define SPI4_CONF 0b1000010100100000 // SPI on, 16-bit master,CKE=1,CKP=0
#define SPI4_BAUD 100 // clock divider
DAC output function
//output to external DAC
void DAC_Output(signed int valueDAC) {
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPITBE); // wait for TX buffer to empty
SPI4BUF=valueDAC; // write byte to TX buffer
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPIRBF); // wait for RX buffer to fill
Empty_SPI3_buffer=SPI4BUF; // read RX buffer
ISR sampling the data, triggered by Timer1. This works fine. ADC_input inputs the data in the global variable adc_value (12 bits, signed)
//ISR to sample data
void __ISR( _TIMER_1_VECTOR, IPL7SRS) Test_data_sampling_in( void)
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;
//rescale the signed 12 bit audio values to unsigned 16 bits wide values
DAC_output_value = adc_value + 2048; //first unsign the signed 12 bit values (between 0 - 4096, center 2048)
DAC_output_value = DAC_output_value *16; // the scale between 12 and 16 bits is actually 16=65536/4096
main function with SPI, IO, Timer configuration
void main() {
TRISE = 0b00100000;
TRISD = 0b000000110100;
TRISG = 0b0010000000;
LATD = 0x0;
SYSTEMConfigPerformance(80000000L); //
INTCONSET = _INTCON_MVEC_MASK; /* Set the interrupt controller for multi-vector mode */
T1CONbits.TON = 0; /* turn off Timer 1 */
T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0b11; /* pre-scale = 1:1 (T1CLKIN = 80MHz (?) ) */
PR1 = 1816; /* T1 period ~ ? */
TMR1 = 0; /* clear Timer 1 counter */
IPC1bits.T1IP = 7; /* Set Timer 1 interrupt priority to 7 */
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; /* Reset the Timer 1 interrupt flag */
IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; /* Enable interrupts from Timer 1 */
T1CONbits.TON = 1; /* Enable Timer 1 peripheral */
while (1){
I would expect to see the voltage at the ouput of my DAC to mimic those I put at the input of my ADC, instead the DAC output value is always constant, no matter what I input to the ADC
What am i missing? Also, when turning the SPIs on, should I still manually manage the IO configuration of the SDI SDO SCK pins using TRIS or is it automatically taken care of?