Again, I tried to create a VNet-to-VNet connection.
Briefly, I created
- Gateway Subnet at East US Region
- Gateway Subnet at West US Region
- Virtual Network Gateway for East US Region and
- Virtual Network Gateway for West US Region
Using Connection type VNet-to-VNet, I connected both Virtual Network Gateway from both sides.
I created connection between both Virtual Network Gateway.
The status of both connections says, Connected.
Windows Server Domain Controller is set up at East US and Windows 10 is installed at West US.
Windows 10 is unable to ping and join the Windows Server Domain Controller.
While joining the Domain Controller, the error message is
The issue is
I am able to connect both VMs which is at two different VNets using RDP with Public IP.
Both VMs’ virtual network gateways are also connected to each other through Connections.
I am able to connect one VM from another using RDP with Private IP. But I am not able to join Windows 10 VM to Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller.
I request please go through the link!Ail_S1qZOKPmlgBU5fLviInoisrx?e=ImrqpL and help me to fix the issue related to VNet-to-Vnet Connection so that Windows 10 VM from one VNet can join the Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller VM which is at another VNet.
I hope you'll consider it positively.
Regards TekQ