I created an iOS App Extension and defined a single entry INPlayMediaIntent in the extension's plist IntentsSupported array. Everything was fine. But since a few days (WWDC 2019) i have trouble submitting the app to TestFlight/App Store Connect.
I followed Apple's instructions and fixed these errors:
- ITMS-90626: Invalid Siri Support - No example phrase was provided for INPlayMediaIntent in the … language. Please refer to "https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sirikit/registering_custom_vocabulary_with_sirikit/global_vocabulary_reference/intent_phrases"
- ITMS-90626: Invalid Siri Support - No intent parameters specified for bundle … language … vocabulary policy #1
Now I'm trying to provide an intent parameter in the AppIntentVocabulary.plist here:
I tried it with various strings and all were wrong according to these App Store emails:
ITMS-90626: Invalid Siri Support - "INPlayMediaIntent.mediaItems" is not a supported intent parameter of the subscribed intents
ITMS-90626: Invalid Siri Support - "INPlayMediaIntent.mediaContainer" is not a supported intent parameter of the subscribed intents
ITMS-90626: Invalid Siri Support - "INPlayMediaIntent.identifier" is not a supported intent parameter of the subscribed intents
What would be a valid parameter name for an INPlayMediaIntent?
It could be so easy because Apple has an example project for INPlayMediaIntent here which i used to learn for my project:
But: This project seems not to be up to date since it is missing the AppIntentVocabulary.plist which seems to be required recently.