I am running a function with a defined range and when trying to use End.(xlDown).Select I get a message "Select method of Range class failed".
I have edited the code below to show only the problem piece. After literally two hours of trying everything, I cannot get it to work.
The annoying part is that I have to use defined ranges since the function is part of a much larger Sub that doesn't work as intended once Select and Activate are used.
Function OutputFunction()
Dim rng8 As Range
Set rng8 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(5).Range("A2")
rng1.ClearContents 'Works like a charm.
rng2.Copy 'No problem here either.
rng8.End(xlDown).Select 'Fails misserably.
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Select
Range(Selection, Range("N3")).Select
- see How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA. – BigBen'Fails misserably.
it's probably best comment this year. About your question, rng8 is a range in a different worksheet that ActiveSheet, and that causes an error. You can use Select only in the ActiveSheet. – Foxfire And Burns And Burns