I assume that by inheritance you mean the ability to traverse from grandparent to parent to child to grand child ,etc... Arango support traversals and has the ability to traverse these type of relationships very fast. For example, to duplicate your example above of starting at node D and getting node B and A you could do something like :
// Find all nodes that are named d
let dNodes = (FOR test in test2
FILTER test.name == 'd'
RETURN test)
//Traverse outbound relationships starting at the dNodes and return up to 2 nodes up the hierarchy
FOR node in dNodes
FOR v,e IN 1..2 OUTBOUND node
In terms of performance, I have traversed irregular hierarchies with thousands of nodes without performance issues and without having to cache anything. Keep in mind however that there is no magic here and a bad data model will cause trouble no matter the db engine.
There is some performance information here if you want to review and play with it here
Traversing multiple edges (relationship types) is very similar to our earlier example. To find the path from E to F using hierarchy (orange) edges and relationship (green) edges, we can do :
// Find all nodes that are named E
let eNodes = (FOR test in test3
FILTER test.name == 'E'
// Start in node E and go upto three steps
// Traverse the hierarchy edges in any direction (so that we can find parents and child nodes)
// Traverse the relatedto (green) edges in the outbound direction only
// Filter the traversal to items that end in vertice F and return the path (E<-B->C->F)
FOR node in eNodes
FOR v,e,p IN 1..3 ANY node
parentOf, OUTBOUND relatedTo
FILTER v.name == 'F'
Or if we just want the shortest path between E and F we can do for example:
let eNodes = (FOR test in test3
FILTER test.name == 'E'
//Find shortest path between node E and F and return the path (E<-B->C->F)
FOR node in eNodes
node TO 'test3/F'
parentOf, OUTBOUND relatedTo
Note that I just used the id of the "F" record in the code above, but we could have searched fo the record using the name just like we did for the "E" record.
Also note we created the edge data for our example as directed edges in the DB: parentOf edges were created from parent to child (ex: A to B) and for green relationships edges we created them alphabetically (ex: B to C).