I have some 2D points given and i want to draw a polygon using those points. This polygon must pass through all the given points means there is no such point which is inside or outside the polygon.
For example: if i have points like: (0,0), (1,1), (-1,-1),(-1,1) and (1,-1) and if i want to draw a polygon using those then my points array should be sorted in following manner:
(1,1) -> (1,-1) -> (-1,-1) -> (-1,1) -> (0,0) -> (1,1) OR
(1,1) -> (0,0) -> (-1,1) -> (-1,-1) -> (1,-1) -> (1,1)
but it cant be:
(1,1) -> (0,0) -> (-1,-1) -> (-1,1) -> (-1,1) -> (1,-1) -> (1,1)
For drawing the polygon, i am using drawLine function and drawing lines from one to another point and finally from last to first point.
Is there any algorithm or code available for this?