So I have built a formula that has Absolute Cell References, and wanted to repeat the same formula down 3000 cells with each one referencing increment cells. (1st formula referring to Cell $A$1, 2nd formula referring to $A$2) I know that I could easily do this without referencing exact cells and the Fill Handle and this is currently how it's set up, however there's a very large number of people who work in this spreadsheet that have bad Excel manners, and regularly delete rows and cells or copy and paste, which breaks the formulas.
Rather than manually editing the same formula in each cell to change the references from relative to absolute, I was wanting to run a Macro to automatically run the formula for 3000 cells.
I had at first built a Macro that fills 20 cells with the formula, but it didn't adjust the formula based on the active cell. (Always entered with range $A$1:$A$20, and not $A$21:$a$40 when started further down) I changed the Macro to loop, but it looks with all formulas referencing $A$1 rather than updating.
The Macro set up to loop is as follows:
Sub HDDatesRef()
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(AND(HD!R1C1>0,ISBLANK(HD!R1C4)),HD!R1C1,""n/a"")"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
Loop Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
End Sub
Any and all help with figuring this out would help immensely. Right now I also have access to Liknedin Learning, so if there's any suggestions for courses on there I should look into so I can understand what I need to do will help with this.