I'm using Apache Camel to host a REST API for another camel application. How do I secure this REST API it's only accessible through HTTPS?
I'm using Camel 3.0.0-M1. For the REST API I'm using the REST DSL and the camel-jetty component. From other questions on SO and the camel mailing list I gathered that I just need to configure the jetty component in order to enable SSL.
This is what I've come up with:
<bean id="securejetty" class="org.apache.camel.component.jetty9.JettyHttpComponent9">
<property name="sslContextParameters" ref="sslContextParameters" />
<camel:sslContextParameters id="sslContextParameters">
<camel:keyManagers keyPassword="Linux01!">
<camel:keyStore resource="/etc/certs/KeyStore.jks" password="Linux01!"/>
<restConfiguration component="securejetty" contextPath="api/v0" port="9091" apiContextPath="api-doc" apiContextListing="false" enableCORS="true" host="">
<dataFormatProperty key="prettyPrint" value="true"/>
<apiProperty key="base.path" value="/opcua"/>
<apiProperty key="api.version" value="0.0.1"/>
<apiProperty key="api.title" value="Blackbox REST API"/>
<apiProperty key="api.description" value="The REST API for the Blackbox Project"/>
<apiProperty key="api.contact.name" value="Blackbox"/>
<corsHeaders key="Access-Control-Allow-*" value=""/>
<corsHeaders key="Access-Control-Max-Age" value="300"/>
I expected that my API would be only accessible via https. But actually it continues to be available via http and not at all via https. I've partially figured out why: The "sslContextParameters" gets ignored completely, so camel doesn't know that the jetty component is supposed to do https. I tested this with assigning the keyStore variable a bogus path. That doesn't even throw an error, even though it's declared as a resource, that leads me to believe the "sslContextParameters" is ignored entirely. I need to know how I can secure my camel-jetty REST API so it's in line with my companies security standards.