I have a Use case where I have to send complaint details (Complaint is a ledger ie IOUState.class)to two operators ( say JIO and Airtel) from Sender operator (TTL)
State class constructor has complaint details and three Operators (Party objects), One sender and two receivers.
The first part of the user case is executing fine and transaction/complaints details are getting logged in Vault state/Linear state.
The second part of the transaction involves one of the receiver operator sending complaint resolution response to the sender operator and should not be sending compliant response to third operator. ie Say complaint is related to Airtel then Airtel will respond to TTL and JIO needs to be out of loop.
I have written one state class and two flow classes.
But when I execute the second flow (Airtel to TTL) it is throwing java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Flow sessions were not provided for the following transaction participants: [O=PartyJIO, L=MUMBAI, C=IN]
I have created the transaction with Command requiring only two Signers , TTL and Airtel but dont know why still getting the error
//Flow class in Airtel Node, TAP is TTL Node
List requiredSigners = Arrays.asList(getOurIdentity().getOwningKey(), TAP.getOwningKey());
Command command = new Command<>(new IOUContract.Create(), requiredSigners);
txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder(notary)
.addOutputState(outputState, IOUContract.ID)
FlowSession otherPartySession1 = initiateFlow(TAP); //TAP is TTL Party Object //Otherpartysession1 is getting executed at Airtel node
SignedTransaction fullySignedTx = subFlow(new CollectSignaturesFlow(
signedTx, Arrays.asList(otherPartySession1), CollectSignaturesFlow.tracker()));
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Flow sessions were not provided for the following transaction participants:
SignedTransaction fullySignedTx = subFlow(new CollectSignaturesFlow(
signedTx, Arrays.asList(otherPartySession1), CollectSignaturesFlow.tracker()));
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Flow sessions were not provided for the following transaction participants: