I'm using Vue with Vuetify 1.5.14 and I'm trying to customize my theme. I just follow the docs to do this. When I apply color="primary"
to my v-card component, it correctly uses the custom primary base
color. However when I apply the dark property to it, it still show the base color instead of the darken1
color. This is my vuetify.js
Vue.use(Vuetify, {
iconfont: 'md',
theme: {
primary: {
base: '#673ab7',
darken1: '#320b86',
lighten1: '#9a67ea'
secondary: {
base: '#00bcd4',
darken1: '#008ba3',
lighten1: '#62efff'
accent: '#ffeb3b',
error: '#f44336',
warning: '#ffc107',
info: '#009688',
success: '#8bc34a'
Anyone has an idea how to properly customize the light theme colors?
is just used for the light theme which is the default? Also, why is your title about dark theme, and question about light theme? What are you trying to achieve? – Traxo