
I am trying to access the Online Meetings Graph API (Beta version) using developer tenant. I am able to login successfully to the developer tenant but not able to get the Token to access the graph API for Application type graph APIs. I am able to get the token for delegated type Graph APIs successfully and able to connect to the Graph API. I given the admin consent for these APIs using button "Grant admin consent for [0]" in Azure Active Directory => App Registrations => My App => API Permissions in the Azure portal. I am able to see the success message as "Granted for [my Tenant]".

But I am getting the error saying "AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application" while getting the token. I am using ConfidentialClientApplication class and AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync method to get the token.

So is there any other place I need to verify for the consent or for developer Tenant and for these Beta APIs, I need to check any other process ?

Thank You for Your Time, Rishi

I tried for delegated APIs (User.Read and Contacts.Read) and working fine on developer tenant. While doing trail and error I got error saying Invalid Scope (OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All) couple of times.


1 Answers


For Application type graph APIs, you should use client credentials flow to get the token.

Make sure you add the application permission and grant admin consent for it. enter image description here