
I have a linked service is up and running from which I was able to run simple queries.

My intention is to encapsulate the majority of the logic of the ETL in a stored procedure, scheduled and executed from Azure Data Factory "Lookup" component. However, it seems that I'm unable to execute it with the regular CALL test_snowflake_sp() that works so well from the workbench.

My stored procedure is comprised of a simple query followed by a "failure"/"success" message, I get the following error message:

Activity Get Value failed: Failure happened on 'Source' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorOdbcInvalidQueryString,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=The following ODBC Query is not valid: 'CALL test_snowflake_sp()'.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Runtime.GenericOdbcConnectors,'

Unfortunately I don't have a Python access to run it in code.

Has anyone figured it out?

Thanks in advance

Hi, If you are trying to create and run stored procedure then unfortunately snowflake doesnt allow stored procedures. I also ran in same situation then finally i have to write my query logic in python script.Krishna
Snowflake Stored Procedures are now generally available docs.snowflake.net/manuals/sql-reference/stored-procedures.html - hope this gives you an extra option for your query logic @marc_sGraham Mossman

1 Answers


You can call Snowflake stored procs fine from a Lookup using exactly the syntax from your example. Be sure you grant the Data Factory user "usage" permissions on the proc, and re-grant any time you "create or replace" the proc ("grant usage on procedure test_snowflake_sp() to role datafactory" assuming you have created a role for the ADF user).