I'm setting up the app to upload on play store but the play console gives error-You need to use a different version code for your APK or Android App Bundle because you already have one with version code 1. I tried changing the version code in android>app>build.gradle and even in local.properties but after hot reload or run command the local.properties automatically changes back to flutter.versionName=1.0.0 and flutter.versionCode=1. It may be because of error in my build.gradle file as it shows red mark and give can't resolve symbol for properties,rootProperties,getProperty etc. and the same error with flutter.buildMode=release in local.properties How can I solve this issue?
2 Answers
Instead of changing Gradle files, you need to make the changes in pubspec.yaml
It is located in the root directory of your project.
version: 1.0.0+1
A version number is three numbers separated by dots, like 1.2.43
followed by an optional build number separated by a +.
Google Play should accept your APK generated with increased build number.
This is briefly mentioned in the official documentation for releasing your app.
For Android and iOS, you need to update the "version" value in the pubspec.yaml file.
version: 1.0.0+1
For Android, the first piece ("1.0.0") corresponds to the version name whereas the piece after the + corresponds to version number.
For iOS, the first piece represents the CFBundleShortVersionString and the piece after the + represents the CFBundleVersion.
This answer has more information.