Which JDBC connection pool library should I use for a new application project (not web application)?
- Apache DBCP has enough unresolved issues which are pushed until 2.0 I think.
- C3P0 development seems to be stopped.
- And both of them looks relatively slow.
- Proxool is dead.
- DBPool has almost no community (at least I've found no public one - no forums, no mailing lists...)
- Apache Tomcat Pool looks to be unusable without Tomcat
- I've found SQL Datasources article at Oracle website, but it seems, that it can be applied only to applets running in containers like servlets and web services.
Should I choose BoneCP may be? I don't have any huge requirements. I just need a good and easy to use database connection pool, that is in active development. Library, whose author can respond to bug reports, answer some specific question etc.
BTW, actually, I'm using MySQL only. I've found, that MySQL driver supports DriverManager interface, but I'm unsure if it actually pools connections or not.