I have a List, which may contain elements that will compare as equal. I would like a similar List, but with one element removed. So from (A, B, C, B, D) I would like to be able to "remove" just one B to get e.g. (A, C, B, D). The order of the elements in the result does not matter.
I have working code, written in a Lisp-inspired way in Scala. Is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
The context is a card game where two decks of standard cards are in play, so there may be duplicate cards but still played one at a time.
def removeOne(c: Card, left: List[Card], right: List[Card]): List[Card] = {
if (Nil == right) {
return left
if (c == right.head) {
return left ::: right.tail
return removeOne(c, right.head :: left, right.tail)
def removeCard(c: Card, cards: List[Card]): List[Card] = {
return removeOne(c, Nil, cards)
in this question is a player's hand? – Ken Bloom