I would like to parse two type of expression with boolean :
- the first would be an init expression with boolean like : init : false
- and the last one would be a derive expression with boolean like : derive : !express or (express and (amount >= 100))
My idea is to put semantic predicates in a set of rules, the goal is when I'm parsing a boolean expression beginning with the word 'init' then it has to go to only one alternative rule proposed who is boolliteral, the last alternative in boolExpression. And if it's an expression beginning with the word 'derive' then it could have access to all alternatives of boolExpression.
I know that I could make two type of boolExpression without semantic predicates like boolExpressionInit and boolExpressionDerive... But I would like to try with my idea if it's could work with a only one boolExpression with semantic predicates.
Here's my grammar
grammar TestExpression;
package testexpressionparser;
@parser::members {
int vConstraintType;
textInput : initDefinition
| derDefinition ;
initDefinition : t=INIT {vConstraintType = $t.type;} ':' boolExpression ;
derDefinition : t=DERIVE {vConstraintType = $t.type;} ':' boolExpression ;
boolExpression : {vConstraintType != INIT || vConstraintType == DERIVE}? boolExpression (boolOp|relOp) boolExpression
| {vConstraintType != INIT || vConstraintType == DERIVE}? NOT boolExpression
| {vConstraintType != INIT || vConstraintType == DERIVE}? '(' boolExpression ')'
| {vConstraintType != INIT || vConstraintType == DERIVE}? attributeName
| {vConstraintType != INIT || vConstraintType == DERIVE}? numliteral
| {vConstraintType == INIT || vConstraintType == DERIVE}? boolliteral
boolOp : OR | AND ;
relOp : EQ | NEQ | GT | LT | GEQT | LEQT ;
attributeName : WORD;
numliteral : intliteral | decliteral;
intliteral : INT ;
decliteral : DEC ;
boolliteral : BOOLEAN;
INIT : 'init';
DERIVE : 'derive';
BOOLEAN : 'true' | 'false' ;
EQ : '=' ;
NEQ : '!=' ;
NOT : '!' ;
GT : '>' ;
LT : '<' ;
GEQT : '>=' ;
LEQT : '<=' ;
OR : 'or' ;
AND : 'and' ;
DEC : [0-9]* '.' [0-9]* ;
ZERO : '0';
POSITIF : [1-9] [0-9]* ;
WORD : [a-zA-Z] [_0-9a-zA-Z]* ;
WS : (SPACE | NEWLINE)+ -> skip ;
SPACE : [ \t] ; /* Space or tab */
NEWLINE : '\r'? '\n' ; /* Carriage return and new line */
I except that the grammar would run successfully, but what i receive is : "error(119): TestExpression.g4::: The following sets of rules are mutually left-recursive [boolExpression]
1 error(s)
changes its value? Please also post an minimal reproducible example. – sepp2k