I have two odoo 12 models,(biblio.location and biblio.book), -the model "biblio.book" contains a boolean "disponibile" set to true by defaul. -the model "biblio.location" have a many2one field references to model "biblio.book".
i want the value of the boolean "disponible" in biblio.book to be changed automatically (change also in database) when a new instance of biblio.location is created, in other way when we rent(location) a book we must change disponibility in model book to FALSE.
i tried "computed field, @api.onchange and @api.depends" and nothing works for me, please help me in this issue and i want to know de difference between those three mehods.thank you
class book(models.Model):
_name = 'biblio.book'
_description = 'All books'
annee_edition = fields.Date(string="année d'édition")
ISBN = fields.Integer(required=True)
editor = fields.Char(required=True)
auteur = fields.Many2many('biblio.author',string='auteur_livre',required=True)
disponible=fields.Boolean(default=True,required=True,related='biblio.location.disponible',store=True )
class location(models.Model):
_name = 'biblio.location'
_description = 'All librarians'
livre = fields.Many2one('biblio.book',string='livre',required=True,domain =[('disponible','=',True)])
client = fields.Many2one('biblio.customer',string="client",required=True)
date_location =fields.Datetime(required=True)
date_retour_prevu=fields.Datetime(required=True,string="Date retour prévu")
date_retour_reelle=fields.Datetime(required=True,string="Date retour réelle")
disponible = fields.Boolean(default=False)
File "C:\Users\PycharmProjects\Odoo12\odoo\odoo\fields.py", line 484, in setup_full self._setup_related_full(model) File "C:\User\PycharmProjects\Odoo12\odoo\odoo\fields.py", line 527, in _setup_related_full field = target._fields[name] KeyError: 'biblio' - - -