I have a site that has a three underlying applications that uses many of the same components, but styles them slightly differently in each application.
So I have made a site styles that is imported using the sass loader in webpack
my path
const csspath = path.resolve(__dirname, './src/styles/main.scss');
my loaders
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
sourceMap: true
loader: 'sass-resources-loader',
options: {
resources: [csspath]
inside of one of my sass files I have the following
$navBackground: $black;
$navForeground: $white;
$itemSize: 60px;
.NavHeader {
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 1071;
background-color: $navBackground;
color: $navForeground;
width: 100vw;
height: $itemSize;
I also have some css I import inside of my components, like so
import './Header.style.scss';
If I put these variables into the header style
$navBackground: $black;
$navForeground: $white;
it compiles fine, but if I remove those variables from the global sass files and keep the variables just in my local Header.style.scss I get the error message
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js):
background-color: $navBackground;
Undefined variable: "$navBackground".
in /Users/bryanrasmussen/projects/dc_frontend/src/styles/components/_header.scss (line 8, column 23)
I suppose the obvious problem is that the local sass files in the components are loaded with the sass-loaders loader, and the resources that are global and not tied to a component are loaded by sass-resources-loader, so these loaders don't know anything about each other. So the question is if they can be merged in some way, or anyway that the sass-resources-loader can know about the sass files loaded with the sass-loader?