I am exploring options of using RIDE-Robot Framework for my Project. Here, I am using SSH Library.
I am trying to login into my server and then try to execute some commands
Manually, I am trying to login to the server and then give a sudo admin command and then execute the set of commands.
Using Ride- I am using Open Connection, Execute Command keywords
I am able to login to the server with the username and password, but I am not able to execute commands.
Can you please help me understand how to execute commands?
I am able to open Connection and Login with username and password.
import paramiko
from paramiko import SSHClient
ssh = SSHClient()
ssh.connect('', username='******', password='*******')
ssh.exec_command("sudo -u tradmin -E bash")
Open Connection
Login ${username} ${password}
Execute Command sudo - u tradmin -E bash
${stdout}= Execute Command /ThomsonReuters/tools/bin/adsmon -key 29 -get IDBFeed c205xcmpdfh01.ECP_TUL.IDBFeed.IDBFeed PageCount
Unable to execute the commands, no error is displayed
and thesudo_password=password
argumentsin the execute command? – Sameem