I can load a crystal report on my development system fine. But after I run an installer on a second computer I get "Load Report Failed".
I checked previous postings but no luck yet. I'm coding in Visual Studio 2017 visual basic. I did install the Crystal reports run-time on the remote computer and it helped get me past an earlier error so I think I'm close! Any ideas/help appreciated! After some digging I hard-coded the report name but still am not there!
Lot's of web searching, installed runtime on remote system and got further along. Shifted to hard coding report name/path (confirmed .rpt on client computer....do I just need the .rpt or the .rpt and .dll (have tried both but no change). Every change I tried works fine on my development PC but never on client PC. Tried most of the options from stackoverflow but no luck yet.
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim tempstring As String
Dim ncomp As Integer
Dim xx As Integer
'Created data block to pass to CR as dt, works on dev't PC
Dim rptdoc As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
rptdoc = New CRWheatAll
rptdoc.Load("c:\itgctest\CRWheatAll.rpt") '.rpt is there on targe pc
'view report in crystalreportviewer
Form5.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptdoc