I have been handling an aging Windows Server 2008 machine with TFS upgraded in place to 2017.2. Now, with Azure DevOps Server 2019, support for Windows Server 2008 is no longer available. Also, the existing SQL Server is 2012 and is no longer supported as well. I cannot upgrade the database to SQL Server 2014+ as there is the OS restriction. and in our company, upgrading OS in-place is not allowed.
Existing setup is as follows:
- Windows Server 2008 (One VM)
- TFS 2017.2
- SQL Server 2012 Ent (On same VM)
- Non-HTTPS machine name URL Team Portal access over Intranet
I prepared a brand new Windows Server 2016 for the Azure DevOps 2019.0.1. I also was able to get hold of a SQL AlwaysON Cluster based off SQL Server 2017 Ent just for Azure DevOps.
If I proceed with DevOps setup, I'll target the new DB Cluster and it will set up the new DB accordingly.
How do I move my existing collections to the new cluster (easy: restore DBs on the new cluster)?
Will Azure DevOps just accept the new collections?
All migration topics I've read are always assuming DB server and TFS server are the same and do not change.