I am pulling information from an api that is delivered like this:
"Location": {
"Units": [
"id": 1,
"Item": [
"Description": "some string value",
"ID": "some string value"
"Description": "some string value",
"ID": "some string value"
"Description": "some string value",
"ID": "some string value"
"id": 2,
"Item": [
"Description": "some string value",
"ID": "some string value"
"Description": "some string value",
"ID": "some string value"
"Description": "some string value",
"ID": "some string value"
I am providing a wtform with a select field:
class ReserveForm(Form):
item = SelectField(
I am passing the id of the "Unit.id" to my route as a url variable:
def reserve(id):
data = *my api data in json format*
form = ReserveForm()
return render_template('reserve.html', data=data, form=form)
and in my view I am printing the form:
<form action="" method="POST">
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ form.item.label() }}
{{ form.item() }}
What I need to do is use the 'Item's, from the 'Unit' with the ID that matches the id from the url variable, as the choices for the select field.
I cannot seam to find a way to add choices to the field at the template level, which would be my preferred method. Something like:
<form action="" method="POST">
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ form.item.label() }}
{{ form.item(choices=[data.Location.Unit[specific-ID].item]) }}
I was banking on finding a solution like this, because I am most familiar with Jinja2.
Since I cannot find a way to make that work, I have been trying to figure out how to create the selectfield choices in the route. This posts was helpful: Dynamic choices WTForms Flask SelectField
however my data is structured differently because there is an extra nested layer.
I think I am getting it right, by looping through the 'Units' to find the one with an id matching my variable, and assigning that 'Unit' to a variable. Then I can do like on the post linked above, using a key value for loop (I do not know what this is called or how it works so I am not able to search for how it works):
def reserve(id):
data = *my api data in json format*
for item in data['Location']['Unit']:
if item['ID'] == id:
unit = item
items = [(item['ID'], item['Description']) for item in unit['Item']]
form = ReserveForm()
form.item.choices = items
return render_template('reserve.html', data=data, form=form)
I am pretty sure this is going to work, but I am receiving an error 'alueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10:'
obviously the key needs to be an integer, not a string. The problem is that both the description and ID from the api data are strings, and the id is a letter/number combo that can't be converted to an integer.
I need the description to be the display text for the select field option, and I need the value to be the ID string.
what can I use as the key if I don't have an integer ID? how do the name and value apply to the select field options if I can't use the ID string as the key? I am assuming the key will be the select field value.
**UPDATE: I replaced item['ID'] with the number '1':
items = [(1, item['Description']) for item in unit['Item']]
and now the page is rendering, and the select field is working, but all of the select field values are set to '1':
<option value="1">item name from api data</option>
The value needs to be the ID of the item form the api data, and that looks like:
'ID': 'babb87d5-323f-4d56-9ed0-e2b643a78936'
but it doesn't seam to be possible to use a string as the value. any advice would be appreciated.