How does one calculate the "weighted average axis" value for each axis of "pot" and "graft", weighted by the "rez" values (summed) which make up the belly of the Pivot Table? In this case the row index and column names are not strings, but numbers.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
pot = np.linspace(0,80,num=9)
graft = np.linspace(0.30,0.80,num=11)
pots = pd.Series([])
grafts = pd.Series([])
rezs = pd.Series([])
for i in range (1,5):
for pott in pot:
for graftt in graft:
rez = random.uniform(-2,4)
rez= round(rez, 2)
pots = pots.append(pd.Series(pott))
grafts = grafts.append(pd.Series(graftt))
rezs = rezs.append(pd.Series(rez))
df = pd.DataFrame({'pot' : pots, 'graft' : grafts, 'rez': rezs })
pivot = pd.pivot_table(data = df, values = 'rez', index = ['pot'], columns = ['graft'], aggfunc = np.sum)
pivot[pivot < 0] = 0
# Calculate Weights
weights = pivot / (pivot.sum().sum())
pivotsum = pivot.sum().sum()
Pivot Table:
graft 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80
0.0 5.66 0.37 3.92 4.99 1.38 7.89 7.04 3.83 3.88 5.48 4.08
10.0 5.44 4.34 2.26 4.55 4.89 4.50 2.07 3.94 2.66 3.77 11.26
20.0 0.00 4.47 7.15 1.20 4.55 11.40 3.33 0.41 2.34 4.20 7.17
30.0 2.88 1.88 8.55 4.60 4.07 13.58 6.06 3.79 9.25 4.21 1.63
40.0 5.06 0.63 4.20 6.68 5.15 7.93 2.03 7.92 6.94 0.00 1.99
50.0 6.57 11.63 3.80 6.69 6.74 5.71 3.48 4.48 0.00 3.20 4.18
60.0 6.46 5.69 5.72 0.00 13.71 5.03 3.82 9.91 4.02 1.12 1.81
70.0 0.82 8.50 4.79 3.82 1.50 5.66 2.57 0.00 6.91 6.12 4.55
80.0 8.90 4.58 5.01 3.47 4.42 0.08 4.63 0.00 2.77 0.96 3.30
I would like to calculate the weighted average "graft" and "pot", weighted by the (summed) "rez" values which make up the belly of the dataframe.
I've gotten as far as to create weights but do not know how to proceed in accessing the indices and column names to calculate the weighted average.
Actual data will not be uniformly distributed.
Desired output:
Weighted Average Graft = (0.30*5.66/pivotsum) + (0.30* 5.44/pivotsum) + ... + (0.80*3.30/pivotsum)
Weighted Average Pot = (0 * 5.66/pivotsum) + (10*5.44/pivotsum) + ... +(80*3.30/pivotsum)
These two weighted averages together then describe a "point" in the pivot table which represents where the pivot table would balance.
(0.30*(0.0*5.66 + 10.0*5.44 + 20.0*...) + 0.35*(0.0*0.37 + 10.0*4.3.4 + ...) + 0.40*(....) .... 0.80*(...)) / (0.30 + 0.35 + ... + 0.80)
? – Mike