I have a kafka topic with 25 partitions and the cluster has been running for 5 months.
As per my understanding for each partition for a given topic, the offset starts from 0,1,2... (un-bounded)
I see log-end-offset at a very high value (right now -> 1230628032)
I created a new consumer group with offset being set to earliest; so i expected the offset from which a client for that consumer group will start from offset 0.
The command which I used to create a new consumer group with offset to earliest:
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server <IP_address>:9092 --reset-offsets --to-earliest --topic some-topic --group to-earliest-cons --execute
I see the consumer group being created. I expected the current-offset being to 0; however when I described the consumer group the current offset was very high , at the moment --> 1143755193.
The record retention period set is for 7 days (standard value).
My question is why didn't we see the first offset from which a consumer from this consumer group will read 0? Has it to do something with data-retention?
Can anyone help understand this?