Attempting to use ImportXML in Google Sheets to retrieve a specific piece of text but am having trouble after searching my ass off for answers.
Hoping someone here can help correct the problem.
The page is: And the text I'm wanting to import is in the pink box:
Here's where I'm at with the code, I've attempted to retrieve the XPath but it doesn't like what I have, I'm sure someone here will spot the prob in a heartbeat...
=IMPORTXML("","//body[@class='entry-homepage type-homepage']/div[@class='page page-home']/div[@class='page__item']/div[@class='js-evo7-component']/div[@class='hero']/div[@class='hero__inner-root rellax']/div[@class='hero__inner']/div[@class='container']/div[@class='grid']/div[@class='grid__item one-third palm-one-whole']/div[@class='hero__share-price']/div[@class='price-number']//text()")