
I have Ktor based REST API application which uses the jwt token's as authentication. Then I have to restrict certain routes for the specific role. In order to do it I am creating principal, containing the relevant info:

data class UserPrincipal (
  val id: Long,
  val username: String,
  val roleId: Long,
): Princpal {
  override fun getName() = username

object AuthLogin {
  fun Application.auth(jwt: JwtProvider) {
    install(Authentication) {
      jwt("jwt") {
        realm = jwt.realm()
        validate {
          val userId = it.payload.getClaim("id").asLong()
          val username = it.payload.getClain("name")
          val roleId = it.payload.getClaim("roleId").asLong()
          UserPrincipal(userId, username, roleId)

The claims with userId and roleId are being provided when signing the correctly logged in user. Now I can restrict REST endpoints like that:

object RestModule {
  fun Application.enititiesOne(userRepo: UserRepo) {
    routing {
      authenticate("jwt") {
        route("/entities1") {
          get {
            val principal = call.principal<UserPrincipal>()
            when(userRepo.hasAccessByRole(principal!!.roleId, "CAN_R_E1") {
              false -> call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
              true -> // some retrieval logic
          post {
            val principal = call.principal<UserPrincipal>()
            when(userRepo.hasAccessByRole(principal!!.roleId, "CAN_W_E1") {
              false -> call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
              true -> // some update logic

As you can see even inside one routing function I have to duplicate code that checks the principal's role twice. I can move it out to function but what I want is a single place to define my security roles. Something like that:

authenticate {
  val principal = call.principal<UserPrincipal()
  val rights = userRepo.rightsByRole(principal.roleId)
  when(routes) {
    get("/entities1/**") -> 
      if(rights.contain("CAN_R_E1")) call.proceed
      else call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
    post("/entites1) -> rights.contain("CAN_W_E1") // similar 
    get("/entities2/**") -> rights.contain("CAN_R_E2") // similar
    else -> call.respond(401)

And then plug it into the rest endpoints. Or is there some similar approach that I can use in Kotlin's Ktor? Seems like interceptors is what I need but I'm not sure how to use them in an intended way.

You could create separate auth configs in the installation block. Then wrap the routes accordingly. Also, you can probably check the route url / verb in the validation block, to automate this.avolkmann

1 Answers


You can check the method and uri in the validate block.

install(Authentication) {
    jwt {
        validate {
            val userId = it.payload.getClaim("id").asLong()
            val username = it.payload.getClaim("name").asString()
            val roleId = it.payload.getClaim("roleId").asLong()
            UserPrincipal(userId, username, roleId)
            val requiredRole = when (request.httpMethod) {
                HttpMethod.Get -> // get role
                HttpMethod.Post -> // get other role
            // check if role exists in repo
install(Routing) {
    get {
        val principal = call.principal<UserPrincipal>()!!

    post {
        val principal = call.principal<UserPrincipal>()!!

By the way, there were several issues with the code you posted, so it wouldn't compile.