I have Ktor based REST API application which uses the jwt
token's as authentication. Then I have to restrict certain routes for the specific role. In order to do it I am creating principal, containing the relevant info:
data class UserPrincipal (
val id: Long,
val username: String,
val roleId: Long,
): Princpal {
override fun getName() = username
object AuthLogin {
fun Application.auth(jwt: JwtProvider) {
install(Authentication) {
jwt("jwt") {
realm = jwt.realm()
validate {
val userId = it.payload.getClaim("id").asLong()
val username = it.payload.getClain("name")
val roleId = it.payload.getClaim("roleId").asLong()
UserPrincipal(userId, username, roleId)
The claims with userId
and roleId
are being provided when signing the correctly logged in user. Now I can restrict REST endpoints like that:
object RestModule {
fun Application.enititiesOne(userRepo: UserRepo) {
routing {
authenticate("jwt") {
route("/entities1") {
get {
val principal = call.principal<UserPrincipal>()
when(userRepo.hasAccessByRole(principal!!.roleId, "CAN_R_E1") {
false -> call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
true -> // some retrieval logic
post {
val principal = call.principal<UserPrincipal>()
when(userRepo.hasAccessByRole(principal!!.roleId, "CAN_W_E1") {
false -> call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
true -> // some update logic
As you can see even inside one routing function I have to duplicate code that checks the principal's role twice. I can move it out to function but what I want is a single place to define my security roles. Something like that:
authenticate {
val principal = call.principal<UserPrincipal()
val rights = userRepo.rightsByRole(principal.roleId)
when(routes) {
get("/entities1/**") ->
if(rights.contain("CAN_R_E1")) call.proceed
else call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
post("/entites1) -> rights.contain("CAN_W_E1") // similar
get("/entities2/**") -> rights.contain("CAN_R_E2") // similar
else -> call.respond(401)
And then plug it into the rest endpoints. Or is there some similar approach that I can use in Kotlin's Ktor? Seems like interceptors is what I need but I'm not sure how to use them in an intended way.