
Currently I am building an Ionic App.

When i clone a fresh copy of my repo and add platform ios, [email protected] is used because of following line in config.xml

<engine name="ios" spec="5.0.1" />

But when i remove platform iOS, this line also gets removed.

Therefore, on the next read [email protected] gets installed. But I need at least version 5.0.1 otherwise the Google Maps plugin wont work.

Can i somehow force the use of [email protected]?

Tried to find resolutions to the problems and tried various different settings in package.json and config.xml, nothing helps.


2 Answers


When adding the platform again (either in your build-script or manually), try

ionic cordova platform add [email protected] 


ionic cordova platform add ios@latest

Also the platform version is probably defined in your package.json. Maybe there the old version is set to 4.x.x, which is why it still downloads the older version, when not specifying the version yourself.


My solution right now:

I added 2 items to the scripts part in package.json

"add:ios": "ionic cordova platform add ios@5",
"rm:ios": "ionic cordova platform rm ios"

So the workaround now is to use

npm run add:ios

instead of

ionic cordova platform add ios@5