
I'm able to recursively search a directory using Get-ChildItem -Recurse to locate a particular directory, but I'm only interested in the case where the directory is a child of another specific directory. The parent/child may exist at any arbitrary depth in the directory tree. For instance:


The following code returns all occurrences of childDirToFind :

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\\*\\*\ChildDirToFind -Recurse

I've tried including the parentDir in the -Path option and get no results; e.g.:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\\*\\*\parentDir\childDirToFind -Recurse

I've also tried to use the -Filter option with no results. Perhaps Get-ChildItem isn't the best approach? Ideally, I'd like Get-ChildItem to return immediately after finding the directory and not continue searching the entire tree.

try Get-ChildItem -Path c:\ -Recurse -Filter childDirToFindKory Gill
With aliases: gci x:\start -dir -rec -filter childDirToFind |? {$_.Parent.Name -eq 'parentDir'} | select -first 1user6811411
BTW, as the search should stop with the first find a trailing \lev7.. isn't possible.user6811411

2 Answers


Here's an example where parent is drivers and child is etc

Get-ChildItem C:\Windows -Recurse -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? { $_.FullName -like '*\drivers\etc' }

I added the -ErrorAction parameter to hide all the inaccessible folder errors.


Thanks to Rich Moss and LotPings for steering me in the right direction. Both solutions provide the correct results although piping the output to "select -first 1" does have the added benefit of stopping the directory search once the result is found. I'm not sure why, but using -filter and comparing $.Parent.Name is twice as fast as comparing $.FullName (as checked using Measure-Command). I ultimately went with this:

cgi C:\ -dir -rec -ea SilentlyContinue -filter childDirectory | ? {$_.Parent.Name -eq 'parentDir'} | select -first 1