I am having trouble implementing the method link_to. My program uses a link to call a controller method which performs some logic and renders a partial. The issue is I cant get the link to call the controller method. I have tried calling the same controller method with button_to and it seems to work. Looking at the API of both ActionView helper methods button_to and link_to it seems like the parameters should be the same. However, the following two lines of code do two different things.
<%= link_to 'view individual', products_view_individual_product_page_path(product_id: product.id)%>
<%= button_to 'view individual', products_view_individual_product_page_path(product_id: product.id)%>
The link_to call will cause an error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error stating "Couldn't find Product with 'id'=view_individual_product_page" and the passed parameters are {"product_id"=>"261", "id"=>"view_individual_product_page"}, im not sure why it is trying to pass the path of my controller method as the id. However the button_to line of code works just fine, and I am in the specified controller method. Here is the route entry in my routes.rb file...
post 'products/view_individual_product_page'
Can anyone explain to me what I am doing wrong here, I cant find much information online about why the path is being passed as an ID in link_to but not button_to