I am trying to track click events in my website using GTM and Google Analytics. GTM fires tags fine but GA does not show any events in real time or after 24 hours in Behavior -> Events.
I have installed Google Tag Manager as mentioned in several websites and created variable, triggers, tags as needed.
On my website, I can see that GTM fires the tags to send the information to GA but GA doesn't show any real time click events or events for that matter. Even after 24 hours, I don't see any events being tracked under Behaviour -> Events.
Note: My website is being tracked by both Google Analytics and GTM. I have not created pageviews tracking through GTM to avoid data being sent to GA twice.
I have done everything as mentioned, Created Trigger which triggers only when a click URL has certain text buttonNext. Created a Tag by providing Category, Action, Label, value and Google tracking id (tried both ways by using a GA tracking constant and direct value). In the website, when a the button with Click URL contains buttonNext is clicked, I can see the tag being fired in the GTM preview/debugger. Also, Google Tag assistant confirms that event is being sent to the provided GA Tracking id. I have made sure the tracking id provided is mapped to my website. After all this, Google Analytics is not tracking the click events. I waited for 24 hours still no data logged in the events and I modified the non interaction hit to true and false to see if that matters. Nothing did the trick.
I expect GA to track events as GTM fires tags in preview mode and GA Tag Assistant confirms the event is triggerred but GA does not track any events.