
I examine heterogeneous trees in ANTLR (using ANTLRWorks 1.4.2).

Here is the example of what I have already done in ANTLR.

grammar test;

options {
    language = java;
    output = AST;

tokens {

@members {
    class Program extends CommonTree {
        public Program(int ttype) {
            token = new CommonToken(ttype, "<start>");

    :    program var function
        // Works fine:
        //->    ^(PROGRAM program var function)

        // Does not work (described below):
        ->    ^(PROGRAM<Program> program var function)

    :    'program'! ID ';'!

    :    TYPE^ ID ';'!

    :    ID '('! ')'! ';'!

    :    'int'
    |    'string'

    :    ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+

    :    (' ' | '\t' '\n'| '\r' | '\f')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;}

Sample input:

program foobar;
int foo;

When I use rewrite rule ^(PROGRAM<Program> program var function), ANTLR stumbles over and I get AST like this:


Whereas when I use this rewrite rule ^(PROGRAM program var function) it works:

enter image description here

  1. Could anyone explain where am I wrong, please? Frankly, I do not really get the idea of heterogeneous trees and how do I use <…> syntax in ANTLR.

  2. What do r0 and r1 mean (first picture)?

AFAIK, you can't just mix < ... > inside rewrite rules: you have either output=AST; or output=template; defined in the options{...} section, not both. So you either generate an AST, or are generating (source) code with the StringTemplate engine. What exactly are you tying to do here anyway? What is your goal?Bart Kiers
@Bart Thanks for the comment & edit! Based on example here, I can mix <…> and rewrite rules. My goal is to build heterogeneous AST (as the part of assignment). As far as I understand (it is tricky!), I have to implement my own tree and AST nodes. No Java code is necessary at this point (except for the code in the @members section). Spent two days, no luck so far.Little Jeans
Aha, this is new v3.1+ syntax: my ANTLR book (compliant with v3.0) only mentions < ... > in combination with output=template. Thanks for the link. I don't have time at the moment to go through it, but I will later on (tomorrow probably) and get back to you.Bart Kiers
@Bart Thank you. What book do you mean? I have this one — «The Definitive ANTLR Reference» (The Pragmatic Programmers), although did not find any useful information.Little Jeans
Yeah sorry, "the ANTLR book"is indeed The Definitive ANTLR Reference from Prag-Prog. In there, < ... > is only used in chapter 9, Generating Structured Text with Templates and Grammars, where you need to set output=template in the options section. This new feature isn't handled, AFAIK.Bart Kiers

1 Answers


I have no idea what these r0 and r1 mean: I don't use ANTLRWorks for debugging, so can't comment on that.

Also, language = java; causes ANTLR 3.2 to produce the error:

error(10): internal error: no such group file java.stg

error(20): cannot find code generation templates java.stg
error(10): internal error: no such group file java.stg

error(20): cannot find code generation templates java.stg

ANTLR 3.2 expects it to be language = Java; (capital "J"). But, by default the target is Java, so, mind as well remove the language = ... entirely.

Now, as to you problem: I cannot reproduce it. As I mentioned, I tested it with ANTLR 3.2, and removed the language = java; part from your grammar, after which everything went as (I) expected.

Enabling the rewrite rule -> ^(PROGRAM<Program> program var function) produces the following ATS:

enter image description here

and when enabling the rewrite rule -> ^(PROGRAM program var function) instead, the following AST is created:

enter image description here

I tested both rewrite rules this with the following class:

import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
import org.antlr.stringtemplate.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream("program foobar; int foo; bar();");
        testLexer lexer = new testLexer(in);
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        testParser parser = new testParser(tokens);
        testParser.start_return returnValue = parser.start();
        CommonTree tree = (CommonTree)returnValue.getTree();
        DOTTreeGenerator gen = new DOTTreeGenerator();
        StringTemplate st = gen.toDOT(tree);

And the images are produced using graph.gafol.net (and the output of the Main class, of course).