
Environment: Oracle APEX 5.1.2 / Oracle 12c

I'm currently using an Interactive Grid (IG) with the APEX$ROW_SELECTOR set to single record selection (i.e. radio group). What I am attempting to do, is use a Dynamic Action "Click" event off this APEX$ROW_SELECTOR, but unfortunately it's not firing when I click on the radio group selector.

I have the following questions based on the above:

  1. How to add a Dynamic Action on row selection (APEX$ROW_SELECTOR) to fire when clicked?

  2. When clicked, how to set a column value in session state to be used within a classic report?

Assuming the above is NOT possible with a Dynamic Action as part of an IG, how else can I perform something similar when a user selects a row with my IG?

You're mentioning radio group. But so far all examples I've seen with APEX$ROW_SELECTOR are based on tabular row check boxes, which returns X or NULL. Does the radio group trigger it?TMNuclear
I guess what I am trying to achieve here is the ability to capture a click event on each of the IG rows via a dynamic action as I then want to set session state and then pass this value into a classic report call.tonyf
I cannot verify if this works, but looks like this is a way to retrieve the data from the clicked row: thejavaessentials.blogspot.com/2017/03/…TMNuclear
Also perhaps old fashion, but isn't using ROWID an option with Link Column? You could fetch the ROWID of the row of the IG, fetch it into a session, and process it further on the next page. This is a pretty standard implementation for interactive reports.TMNuclear
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2 Answers


You can search the class in the dom


enter image description here

Create a dynamic action using this class

enter image description here

enter image description here

And the result is

enter image description here


You need to follow the below steps:

  • You need to set a static class to the clickable column.
  • Create a new dynamic action of type "click"
  • The selection type would be JQuery Selector.
  • in the Selector field you need to fill the static class you mentioned in the column attributes.
  • You need to put the html id of the column as the id of the row and capture the value of it as follow in javascript:

this.triggeringElement.id -- it will capture the clicked item.

-Once you catch the value, you can set it to Page item and do whatever needed.