I have a single-page application written in TypeScript. It needs to call a middle-tier service, and the middle-tier service will, in turn, call the Microsoft Graph API.
In my SPA, I'm using the MSAL library and I log the user in by calling UserAgentApplication.loginRedirect()
I then call acquireTokenPopup and pass only one scope in the access token request parameter: the scope that is defined by my middle-tier service. Upon doing this, I see the popup but then it disappears (I never see any consent prompt). This successfully gets a token which the SPA then sends as a Bearer token on the Authorization header in an HTTPS request to the middle-tier.
The middle-tier then tries to get an OBO token by calling AAD with properties like this:
const grantType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer";
const assertion = userAccessToken;
const scope = "https://graph.microsoft.com/Calendars.Read " +
"https://graph.microsoft.com/Calendars.Read.Shared " +
"https://graph.microsoft.com/Calendars.ReadWrite " +
"https://graph.microsoft.com/Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared " +
"openid profile email offline_access";
const requestedTokenUse = "on_behalf_of";
It also has a client secret it sends along that is defined in the AAD registration for the midddle-tier. When this request is made to the AAD endpoint to retrieve an OBO token, it always fails with this error:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '<ID of middle-tier application>' named '<name of middle-tier application>'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.\r\nTrace ID: 39d9bace-03f0-402b-9310-c713aa990200\r\nCorrelation ID: edfbb88f-5c63-4cef-84c1-0de8457852b7\r\nTimestamp: 2019-05-22 22:25:24Z","error_codes":[65001],"timestamp":"2019-05-22 22:25:24Z","trace_id":"39d9bace-03f0-402b-9310-c713aa990200","correlation_id":"edfbb88f-5c63-4cef-84c1-0de8457852b7","suberror":"consent_required"}
I see the bit about consent being required and how I'm supposed to send an interactive authorization request -- but I'm not sure how to do that. In fact, I thought I was doing that when I called acquireTokenPopup initially (rather than acquireTokenSilent).
If calling acquireTokenPopup in the SPA client with the middle-tier defined scope is not the correct way to send an interactive authorization request, what is?
Possibly helpful information:
- The ID of my SPA client application is listed both in the "Authorized client applications" section of AAD registration portal for the middle-tier AND in the "knownClientApplications" section of the manifest.