Let's see. I have a Gatsby site, a lyrics site. Each song is a Markdown file with some frontmatter fields (title, album, author, etc). I have a GraphQL query for each author's page, and it filters through all the songs and returns the ones that match the author name I pass in.
I want to display more information about each author, so I added an authors.json file with name, bio and image for each one, and added a mapping to my gatsby config file, mapping frontmatter author to author name (from my json file). So far so good.
It works on most pages, I only had to update my queries from frontmatter { author } to frontmatter { author { name } }.
But the author page query doesn't work. I had a poke around in GraphiQL, and removing the filter makes it return all the mapped fields correctly, but of course, I need the filter.
I also tried hard coding the author value, as it's normally provided by the page context, but it also didn't work.
Not sure where I'm going wrong :/
I'll add some relevant snippets:
Frontmatter example:
title: Adeus camarada, adeus
author: Contra Mestre Rafael
album: Quando os berimbaus se encontram
tags: ["quadra"]
date: 2019-02-02
Author entry (authors json is an array of these):
"name": "Contra Mestre Rafael",
"bio": "Placeholder bio.",
"image": "/images/authors/cm-rafael.jpg"
Query that isn't working:
query($author: String) {
limit: 2000
sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }
filter: { frontmatter: { author: { eq: $author } } }
) {
edges {
node {
fields {
frontmatter {
author {
At the moment allMarkdownRemark returns null, and I expect it to return an array of nodes for each song that matches the author, and the mapped information of the author within each of those.
? What does yourmapping
look like? – Derek Nguyen