I am processing text data which have string like given below
"significant step towards large scale hydrogen production iisc team collaboration jncasr researcher develop low cost catalyst speed split water generate hydrogen gas"
In order to get correct form of words in text...stemming or lemmatization is to be done. I am doing this, but its not giving the desired output
stemDocument(p[1], language = "english")
[1] "signific step toward larg scale hydrogen product iisc team collabor jncasr research develop low cost catalyst speed split water generat hydrogen gas"
lemmatize_strings(p[1], dictionary = lexicon::hash_lemmas)
[1] "significant step towards large scale hydrogen production iisc team collaboration jncasr researcher develop low cost catalyst speed split water generate hydrogen gas"
How to get the output like this
significant step toward large scale hydrogen produce iisc team collaborate jncasr research develop low cost catalyst speed split water generate hydrogen gas