I am new to WooCommerce. I want to add products to user's own cart. I googled a lot for this but it seems cart API is not added in WooCommerce default API. So I added plugin called CoCart to my WooCommerce Admin. Now I am able to add product to cart but I don't for which user product is being added into cart and how can I retrieve cart items for particular user. If its adding product to particular user session then how I can manage it from Mobile Application. Also from Mobile Application I am able to add product to cart but again same issue that for which user's cart it is being added? Whenever I retrieve items from cart it sends me blank json array [].
Here are the APIs I am using:
1. Add Product to cart:
URL: https://www.my-domain.com/wp-json/wc/v2/cart/add
Method: POST
Parameters: {
"product_id": "1111",
"quantity": "1"
"key": "af086cdab7954f1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"product_id": 1111,
"variation_id": 0,
"variation": [],
"quantity": 1,
"data": {},
"data_hash": "b5c1d5ca8bae6d4896XXXXXXXXX",
"line_tax_data": {
"subtotal": [],
"total": []
"line_subtotal": 50000,
"line_subtotal_tax": 0,
"line_total": 50000,
"line_tax": 0
This API respond like this in postman and from Mobile app too.
2. Retrieve cart items:
URL: https://www.my-domain.com/wp-json/wc/v2/cart
Method: GET
Response: []
This API returns [] blank JSON array from Mobile application and from Postman it returns array of products from cart.
I don't know what is issue here. May be it works for session from web but what about mobile application? How can I use this APIs to work on Mobile platform.
- How can I make my cart user specific using CoCart plugin?
- If it requires to manage user session, how can I manage session for users from mobile app?