
I'm having a problem similar to this one. I'm attempting to deploy an API connection via an ARM template, and I'm getting 'ParameterNotDefined' errors when I deploy.

However, instead of creating an API connection to an azure table, I'm connecting to an azure queue.

Instead of getting a specific answer, I'd like guidance on how I can use documentation or other methods to answer this myself: I'm unable to find documentation on the existing APIs that are supported via the "MICROSOFT.WEB/CONNECTIONS" type, as well as the associated 'parameterValues' that each API expects you to supply.

Searching for a solution here is quite difficult because the terms are very overloaded. Here's what I've already tried:

  1. I've tried using the Azure Resource Explorer, but it looks like this browses resources, not available APIs. If I can use it to view APIs, it's not clear how.
  2. I've browsed through samples on the azure quickstart project. I see examples for azure blobs but not queues.
  3. I've read some documentation on this page about creating API connections for logic apps. This appears relevent, and the author mentions making GET requests to "https://management.azure.com/.../" to view API details, but I get authorization header errors when doing this and I'd hope I can get documentation without operating this low on the stack.

I'm going to be creating a lot of API connections with logic apps in the near future and I need a more sophisticated method of discovery then google-searches, stack-overflow, and reuse of code samples. How do I view the entire set of API connections, along with the supported 'parameterValues' that are to be used with each one?


2 Answers


You can use ARMClient to retrieve the needed paremeters.

armclient.exe get https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{region}/managedApis/{Api}?api-version=2016-06-01

For more information https://www.bruttin.com/2017/06/13/deploy-logic-app-with-arm.html


For anyone, checking it now, you can create the Api Connection manually and check the JSON View of it, it contains all the parameters.