
I have configured jenkins pipeline which has multiple string parameters for each job. The parameters are common for all build jobs. I would like to set these parameters on global level so that I can be consumed across all stages. Along with stages I have a retry logic which tries for 2 times after first failure. Once it crosses 3 tries job bails.

At the moment I have configure parameters twice, first in initial build trigger and second in retry block. This is duplicate definition. Also at any time the parameters are same across all.

I tried to define parameters at top before stages begin, but these parameters are not used by the stages even though job defined in build step require the parameters.

pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'master'
    string(name: 'VERSION', defaultValue: '', description: 'VERSION No.')
    string(name: 'DEPLOY_TYPE', defaultValue: '', description: 'DEPLOY_TYPE')
    string(name: 'TICKET', RELEASE: '$RELEASE', description: 'Release No.')

stage ("Stage1") {
            steps {
            script {
            def retryAttempt = 0
                    job: 'Job1',
                    parameters: [
                            $class: 'StringParameterValue',
                            name: 'VERSION',
                            value: "${VERSION}"
                            $class: 'StringParameterValue',
                            name: 'DEPLOY_TYPE',
                            value: "${DEPLOY_TYPE}"
                            $class: 'StringParameterValue',
                            name: 'TICKET',
                            value: "${TICKET}"
                catch(error) {
                 echo "First build failed, let's retry if accepted"
                 retry(2) {
                    job: 'Job1',
                    parameters: [
                            $class: 'StringParameterValue',
                            name: 'VERSION',
                            value: "${VERSION}"
                            $class: 'StringParameterValue',
                            name: 'DEPLOY_TYPE',
                            value: "${DEPLOY_TYPE}"
                            $class: 'StringParameterValue',
                            name: 'TICKET',
                            value: "${TICKET}"

I want to use global parameters define once in pipeline and use all parameters across all stages.

Global variables should define before pipeline and you will be able to use them in all stages. def YOUR_VARIABLE pipeline { agent { label 'master' }....}milanbalazs
thanks @milanbalazs. I tried your suggestion for variables which worked well. If you see my question i was trying to use the parameters in first step also in retry block for each job if there is any failure. Since the parameters are same across all the stages I would like to know if there is any feature to define only once may be beginning of pipeline and use those parameters across all stages even in retry block.user3487120
As I know you can define the global variables before pipeline. def my_var pipeline { agent any stages {.... Here is a very similar question: stackoverflow.com/questions/47716933/…milanbalazs

1 Answers


Because your parameters are the same withing all jobs you can pass the params as a list instead of individually.

def copyOfJobParams = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(ParametersAction).getParameters().collect()
build( job: 'Job1', parameters: copyOfJobParams)

Note if you're using declarative pipeline you'll need to wrap this in a script{} block