I have been using spring boot, with spring security and Ext Js as frontend. I added this piece of code as configuration for spring security. It means that, when the session expires the user will be redirected to the referenced url, right?
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/", "/login/**").permitAll().and()
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/**").permitAll();
Everytime my frontend sends an ajax request to spring, and the user has lost session, spring turns the request into a get request to /login?logout, as to be expected, but the page does not get redirected. All I can see is the login page on the response content of the request, without any effect on the page the user is seeing.
Why does this happen? Am I missing any configuration or implementation here?
EDIT: Here is what my Ext Js for the AJAX request looks like:
onAuthCheck: function (users) {
var result = Ext.Ajax.request({
url: '/Queue/requests/loginCheck',
method: 'POST',
async: false,
params: {
usersInfo: Ext.encode(users)
success: function (conn, response, options, eOpts) {
if (conn.status === 401 || conn.status === 302) {
failure: function (conn, response, options, eOpts) {
if (conn.status === 401 || conn.status === 302) {
return (Ext.JSON.decode(result.responseText, true).success);
EDIT2: Here is what my request looks like: It has a request with status 302, and still Im getting 200 status on my AJAX response on JS code.