I am trying to deploy a 3-tier architecture to Azure using the Azure PowerShell CLI and a customized ARM template with parameters. I am not having any issues with the powershell script or the template's validity.
Within the template, among other things are two Virtual Machine Scale Sets, one for the front-end and one for the back-end. Front-end is windows and back-end is red hat. The front-end is behind an application gateway while the back-end is behind a load balancer. What's weird is that the front-end VMSS is deploying no problem and all is well. The back-end VMSS fails every time I try to deploy it, with a vague "Unknown network allocation error" message that I have no idea how to debug (since it provides no specifics unlike all of my other error messages so far).
I based the ARM template on an exported template from a working model of this architecture in another resource group and modified the parameters and have spent a while cleaning up issues and errors with Azure's exported template. I have tried deleting and starting from scratch but it doesn't seem to fix this problem. I thought it was possible I reached the limit of free-subscription processors so I tried making the front-end VMSS dependent on the back-end VMSS so the back-end VMSS would be created first, but the same issue still happened.
Here is the back-end VMSS part of the template:
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets",
"apiVersion": "2018-10-01",
"name": "[parameters('virtualMachineScaleSets_JakeAppBESS_name')]",
"location": "westus2",
"dependsOn": [
"sku": {
"name": "Standard_B1ls",
"tier": "Standard",
"capacity": 1
"properties": {
"singlePlacementGroup": true,
"upgradePolicy": {
"mode": "Manual"
"virtualMachineProfile": {
"osProfile": {
"computerNamePrefix": "jakeappbe",
"adminUsername": "Jake",
"adminPassword": "[parameters('JakeApp_Password')]",
"linuxConfiguration": {
"disablePasswordAuthentication": false,
"provisionVMAgent": true
"secrets": []
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"createOption": "FromImage",
"caching": "ReadWrite",
"managedDisk": {
"storageAccountType": "Premium_LRS"
"imageReference": {
"publisher": "RedHat",
"offer": "RHEL",
"sku": "7.4",
"version": "latest"
"networkProfile": {
"networkInterfaceConfigurations": [
"name": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachineScaleSets_JakeAppBESS_name'), 'Nic')]",
"properties": {
"primary": true,
"enableAcceleratedNetworking": false,
"dnsSettings": {
"dnsServers": []
"enableIPForwarding": false,
"ipConfigurations": [
"name": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachineScaleSets_JakeAppBESS_name'), 'IpConfig')]",
"properties": {
"subnet": {
"id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', parameters('subscription_id'), '/resourceGroups/', parameters('resource_Group'), '/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', parameters('virtualNetworks_JakeAppVnet_name'), '/subnets/BEsubnet')]"
"privateIPAddressVersion": "IPv4",
"loadBalancerBackendAddressPools": [
"id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', parameters('subscription_id'), '/resourceGroups/', parameters('resource_Group'), '/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/', parameters('loadBalancers_JakeAppBESSlb_name'), '/backendAddressPools/bepool')]"
"loadBalancerInboundNatPools": [
"id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', parameters('subscription_id'), '/resourceGroups/', parameters('resource_Group'), '/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/', parameters('loadBalancers_JakeAppBESSlb_name'), '/inboundNatPools/natpool')]"
"priority": "Regular"
"overprovision": true
For reference, here's the front-end VMSS's part of the template so you can compare and see that there aren't many differences:
` {
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets",
"apiVersion": "2018-10-01",
"name": "[parameters('virtualMachineScaleSets_JakeAppFESS_name')]",
"location": "westus2",
"dependsOn": [
"sku": {
"name": "Standard_B1ls",
"tier": "Standard",
"capacity": 1
"properties": {
"singlePlacementGroup": true,
"upgradePolicy": {
"mode": "Manual"
"virtualMachineProfile": {
"osProfile": {
"computerNamePrefix": "jakeappfe",
"adminUsername": "Jake",
"adminPassword": "[parameters('JakeApp_Password')]",
"windowsConfiguration": {
"provisionVMAgent": true,
"enableAutomaticUpdates": true
"secrets": []
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"createOption": "FromImage",
"caching": "ReadWrite",
"managedDisk": {
"storageAccountType": "Premium_LRS"
"imageReference": {
"publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
"offer": "WindowsServer",
"sku": "2016-Datacenter",
"version": "latest"
"networkProfile": {
"networkInterfaceConfigurations": [
"name": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachineScaleSets_JakeAppFESS_name'), 'Nic')]",
"properties": {
"primary": true,
"enableAcceleratedNetworking": false,
"dnsSettings": {
"dnsServers": []
"enableIPForwarding": false,
"ipConfigurations": [
"name": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachineScaleSets_JakeAppFESS_name'), 'IpConfig')]",
"properties": {
"subnet": {
"id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', parameters('subscription_id'), '/resourceGroups/', parameters('resource_Group'), '/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', parameters('virtualNetworks_JakeAppVnet_name'), '/subnets/FEsubnet')]"
"privateIPAddressVersion": "IPv4",
"applicationGatewayBackendAddressPools": [
"id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', parameters('subscription_id'), '/resourceGroups/', parameters('resource_Group'), '/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/', parameters('applicationGateways_JakeAppFE_AG_name'), '/backendAddressPools/appGatewayBackendPool')]"
"priority": "Regular"
"overprovision": true
I expected them to both behave similarly. Granted, back-end is RH linux while front-end is windows, and the front-end is behind an application gateway while the back-end is behind a load balancer, but this setup is working perfectly fine in my other resource group that was deployed through the portal instead of through ARM. But every time I try to deploy this I get this error:
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 1:30:56 AM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets 'ProdBESS' failed with message '{
"status": "Failed",
"error": {
"code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure",
"message": "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.",
"details": [
"code": "NetworkingInternalOperationError",
"message": "Unknown network allocation error."