I have a working Teams bot, using the nodejs botbuilder-teams SDK v3, and registered at dev.botframework.com and apps.dev.microsoft.com. I have created a Teams app that contains it (using the App Studio app in Teams), and installed it in an Office 365 developer tenant of which I am the admin, and the bot can send and receive messages with no problem.
When the bot is added to a team, I get the "conversationUpdate"/"teamMemberAdded" message, and use the fetchMembers() call from the teams bot connector to retrieve basic info for each member, including "givenName", "surname", "email", etc. However, I don't get the "jobTitle" attribute. Is there any way to retrieve jobTitle through the Teams bot SDK?
Alternatively, could I make MSGraph API calls (say, /v1.0/groups/{group-id-for-teams}/members)? Is there a good example of a nodejs serverside app like a bot calling the MSGraph API? The authentication part seems somewhat murky to me.