
I have a working Teams bot, using the nodejs botbuilder-teams SDK v3, and registered at dev.botframework.com and apps.dev.microsoft.com. I have created a Teams app that contains it (using the App Studio app in Teams), and installed it in an Office 365 developer tenant of which I am the admin, and the bot can send and receive messages with no problem.

When the bot is added to a team, I get the "conversationUpdate"/"teamMemberAdded" message, and use the fetchMembers() call from the teams bot connector to retrieve basic info for each member, including "givenName", "surname", "email", etc. However, I don't get the "jobTitle" attribute. Is there any way to retrieve jobTitle through the Teams bot SDK?

Alternatively, could I make MSGraph API calls (say, /v1.0/groups/{group-id-for-teams}/members)? Is there a good example of a nodejs serverside app like a bot calling the MSGraph API? The authentication part seems somewhat murky to me.


1 Answers


jobTitle is not part of roster details. You need to call Graph APIs to fetch additional details.

Here is Node.js sample for bot authentication. If you are using Azure for bot registration then please take a look at Azure Bot Service for Authentication in Teams documentation.