Say I have a file containing name of test files to run tests from and It can contain specific test names too. If test file contains that specific test, run only that test from the file containing the test and run all tests from other test files.
I use Codebuild to run tests for our application but Codebuild does not provide a way to run only specific tests. So I am replacing bin/rails test command on codebuild with our custom rake task. That rake task will check for a file in our system containing list of tests to run and If it finds the file it run only those tests other normal bin/rails test
bundle exec rspec
, I'm sure Minitest has comparable functionality. – bo-ozRAILS_ENV=test rails test
which in result will have multiple outputs whereas I want a solution to run just 1RAILS_ENV=test rails test
so that I have 1 standard minitest output at the end e.g. passed: 123, failed: 123 and so on – Mohsin Sethi