
I am new to AWS IoT. I am using "AWSIotDevice" as super class of my virtual device. By using below, i am able to update shadow on AWS IoT. But my concern is, it is updating shadow every 3 seconds. I don't require it. Shadow should update only after setting new values in my virtual device. It can be after 10 seconds or 30 seconds. I tried using "setKeepAliveInterval" to 30 seconds, but still it is updating shadow every 3 seconds.

Please suggest how to disable it or increase the interval for longer time say 10 minutes or so?

AWSIotMqttClient awsIotClient = new AWSIotMqttClient(clientEndpoint,
             clientId, pair.keyStore, pair.keyPassword);
AWSIotDevice awsIotDevice = new MyAWSIotDevice(thingName);

Really appreciate your help.

Regards, Krishan


1 Answers


You haven't explicitly said, but that looks like the Java SDK.

That being the case, you need to change the DEVICE_REPORT_INTERVAL, which, as you've notice, defaults to 3000ms.

To do this on AWSIotDevice you should use setReportInterval.