I am trying to replicate the results of a paper (if you are interested, its Nowak & May, 1992: Evolutionary Games and Spatial Chaos) that create a set of fractals by running a prisoners dilemma on an n x n grid (for example, https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Spatial-version-of-the-Prisoners-Dilemma-for-symmetrical-initial-conditions-Nowak_fig3_277476479), but my results are not what they should be. The idea is that the grid is populated entirely by Cooperators, except for a single Defector object that is placed in the center of the grid. Different interactions yield different payoffs: mutual defectors yield a payoff of 0, mutual cooperators a payoff of 1 each, and a defector against a cooperator yields a payoff of b for the defector and 0 for the cooperator, where b > 1. All objects in the grid play against each other and receive a score according to the above payoff structure. After each generation, each object on a node is replaced by the neighbor with the highest score. Since the defector strategy is the superior strategy, it should invade the Cooperator population and produce said fractal images, as a cellular automata would.
The main way I have tried doing this (also the main area I have had trouble with) is through the replace_pop function shown below. After each round, the program loops through the grid and replaces any object on a node with a neighbour object that has a higher score. I thought that this would have been sufficient but as one can see after even a few generations, there is some form of replication but just not in the way it should happen, making it difficult to pinpoint what exactly is going wrong. At N = 1 (N is the number of generations) the result seems correct, as the neighbouring (neighbours are left, right, above and below) Cooperators become Defectors, but as N grows larger the image just goes astray.
I also reinitialized each objects score to 0 after each generation to ensure that proper replication can take place. When this is not done however, the population evolves in the same fashion as the N = 1 case above but for all subsequent generations, which is peculiar because there should be defectors that have higher scores than surrounding Cooperators. I am not sure where I am going wrong? My code is below (sorry for including all of it but I do not know where exactly is the problem). I am pretty new to Python and Stack so any help would be appreciated.
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
row = 99
col = 99
class Cooperator:
def __init__(self):
self.score = 0
self.id = 'C'
class Defector:
def __init__(self):
self.score = 0
self.id = 'D'
class Grid:
def __init__(self, rowsize, colsize):
self.rowsize = rowsize
self.colsize = colsize
def make_grid(self):
n = self.rowsize
m = self.colsize
arr = [[0 for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)]
return arr
def populate_grid(self):
empty_grid = self.make_grid()
for i in range(self.rowsize):
for j in range(self.colsize):
empty_grid[i][j] = Cooperator()
empty_grid[i//2][j//2] = Defector()
return empty_grid
def shuffle_population(self):
populated_grid = self.populate_grid()
for i in range(self.rowsize):
return populated_grid
def von_neumann_neighbourhood(array, row, col, wrapped=True):
"""gets von neumann neighbours for a specfic point on grid with or without wrapping"""
neighbours = []
#conditions for in bound points
if row + 1 <= len(array) - 1:
neighbours.append(array[row + 1][col])
if row - 1 >= 0:
neighbours.append(array[row - 1][col])
if col + 1 <= len(array[0]) - 1:
neighbours.append(array[row][col + 1])
if col - 1 >= 0:
neighbours.append(array[row][col - 1])
#if wrapped is on, conditions for out of bound points
if row - 1 < 0 and wrapped == True:
if col - 1 < 0 and wrapped == True:
if row + 1 > len(array) - 1 and wrapped == True:
if col + 1 > len(array[0]) - 1 and wrapped == True:
return neighbours
def play_round(array, row, col):
b = 1.70
player = array[row][col]
neighbours = von_neumann_neighbourhood(array, row, col)
for neighbour in neighbours:
if player.id == 'C' and neighbour.id == 'C':
player.score += 1
neighbour.score += 1
if player.id == 'D' and neighbour.id == 'D':
player.score += 0
neighbour.score += 0
if player.id == 'D' and neighbour.id == 'C':
player.score += b
neighbour.score += 0
if player.id == 'C' and neighbour.id == 'D':
player.score += 0
neighbour.score += b
def replace_pop(array, row, col):
neighbour_score = 0
type_neighbour = ""
neighbours = von_neumann_neighbourhood(array, row, col)
player_score = array[row][col].score
for neighbour in neighbours:
if neighbour.score > neighbour_score:
neighbour_score = neighbour.score
type_neighbour = neighbour.id
if player_score < neighbour_score:
if type_neighbour == "C":
array[row][col] = Cooperator()
if type_neighbour == "D":
array[row][col] = Defector()
N = 1
last_gen = []
def generations(N, row, col, array):
for gen in range(N):
for z in range(row):
for x in range(col):
play_round(array, z, x)
for r in range(row):
for c in range(col):
replace_pop(array, r, c)
for obj in lattice:
for ob in obj:
ob.score = 0
lattice = Grid(row, col).populate_grid()
generations(N, row, col, lattice)
heatmap_stuff = []
for z in range(row):
for v in range(col):
if lattice[z][v].id == 'C' and last_gen[z][v] == 'C':
if lattice[z][v].id == 'D' and last_gen[z][v] == 'D':
if lattice[z][v].id == 'C' and last_gen[z][v] == 'D':
if lattice[z][v].id == 'D' and last_gen[z][v] == 'C':
plt.imshow(heatmap_stuff, interpolation='nearest')
Edit: I have updated the code in line with Ilmari's suggestions. Although the results look better, as well as returning an actual fractal in real-time, the results are still not optimal, leading me to think there might be a bug elsewhere since the cells seem to be updating correctly. Below is the updated code I have added/replaced to the previous code.
def get_moore_neighbours(grid, row, col):
neighbours = []
for x, y in (
(row - 1, col), (row + 1, col), (row, col - 1),
(row, col + 1), (row - 1, col - 1), (row - 1, col + 1),
(row + 1, col - 1), (row + 1, col + 1)):
if not (0 <= x < len(grid) and 0 <= y < len(grid[x])):
# out of bounds
return neighbours
def calculate_score(grid, row, col):
b = 1.85
player = grid[row][col]
neighbours = get_moore_neighbours(grid, row, col)
for neighbour in neighbours:
if player.id == 'C' and neighbour.id == 'C':
player.score += 1
neighbour.score += 1
if player.id == 'D' and neighbour.id == 'D':
player.score += 0
neighbour.score += 0
if player.id == 'D' and neighbour.id == 'C':
player.score += b
neighbour.score += 0
if player.id == 'C' and neighbour.id == 'D':
player.score += 0
neighbour.score += b
return player.score
def best_neighbor_type(grid, row, col):
neighbour_score = 0
type_neighbour = ""
neighbours = get_moore_neighbours(grid, row, col)
player_score = grid[row][col].score
for neighbour in neighbours:
if neighbour.score > neighbour_score:
neighbour_score = neighbour.score
type_neighbour = neighbour.id
if player_score < neighbour_score:
if type_neighbour == "C":
return 'C'
if type_neighbour == "D":
return 'D'
if player_score >= neighbour_score:
return grid[row][col].id
N = 15
heatmap_data = Grid(row, col).make_grid()
lattice = Grid(row, col).populate_grid()
dbl_buf = Grid(row, col).populate_grid()
for gen in range(N):
for r in range(row):
for c in range(col):
lattice[r][c].score = calculate_score(lattice, r, c)
for r in range(row):
for c in range(col):
dbl_buf[r][c].id = best_neighbor_type(lattice, r, c)
for r in range(row):
for c in range(col):
if lattice[r][c].id == 'C' and dbl_buf[r][c].id == 'C':
heatmap_data[r][c] = 1
if lattice[r][c].id == 'D' and dbl_buf[r][c].id == 'D':
heatmap_data[r][c] = 2
if lattice[r][c].id == 'C' and dbl_buf[r][c].id == 'D':
heatmap_data[r][c] = 3
if lattice[r][c].id == 'D' and dbl_buf[r][c].id == 'C':
heatmap_data[r][c] = 4
plt.imshow(heatmap_data, interpolation='nearest')
(lattice, dbl_buf) = (dbl_buf, lattice)