
While creating a wirecloud wiring using NGSI Source operator, I encountered an error (helpless error) for couple of days, regarding connection to my instance of Orion CB. I can confirm all other NGSI operator settings entered are correct.

Error creating subscription in the context broker server: Connection Error

I however, suspect this error has to do with Orion NOT finding the entities to subscribe the NGSI Source operator. This is because I tried accessing Eindhoven's broker ( and it works, NGSI Source operator subscription created successfully.

Equally, I get all entities/attributes in the Eindhoven's broker using:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 15501
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 10:20:20 GMT
Fiware-Correlator: b5e5294a-7568-11e9-83c8-0242ac120003

        "NO2": {
            "metadata": {},
            "type": "Number",
            "value": 27.5
        "Ozon": {
            "metadata": {},
            "type": "Number",
            "value": 59.5
        "PM1": {
            "metadata": {},
            "type": "Number",
            "value": 8
        "PM10": {
            "metadata": {},
            "type": "Number",
            "value": 12

But then I cannot get the entities in my Orion instance using same scenario:

Akil$ http 193.136.xx.xx:53154/v2/entities
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 2
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 10:36:13 GMT
Fiware-Correlator: ee22e4b2-756a-11e9-afa1-0242ac160007


Return empty list, whereas I have available 2 FIWARE services: environment and urbansense. The entities I want to access are available with the urbansense fiware-service having /basic fiware-servicepath.

Service health:

Akil$ http 193.136.xx.xx:53154/version
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 345
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 10:50:13 GMT
Fiware-Correlator: e32bf3da-756c-11e9-9371-0242ac160007

    "orion": {
        "compile_time": "Tue Feb 12 10:51:10 UTC 2019",
        "compiled_by": "root",
        "compiled_in": "4f8128ac7b5b",
        "doc": "https://fiware-orion.rtfd.io/",
        "git_hash": "7ae8c69b97cd875236b952322a6bd503debbd13d",
        "release_date": "Tue Feb 12 10:51:10 UTC 2019",
        "uptime": "6 d, 18 h, 7 m, 6 s",
        "version": "2.1.0-next"


  1. Why can't I access my Orion instance same way I accessed Eindhoven's broker?
  2. Is this the reason why my wiring for NGSI Source operator failed, thus reporting subscription error above?
To check if I'm understanding correctly the case... you are doing GET 193.136.xx.xx:53154/v2/entities on your Orion instance so it should forward the query to Eindhoven's Orion in order to solve the query and return the results to you. It's correct?fgalan

1 Answers


I'm not sure of fully understading your case (specially the relationship with Wirecloud, as I'm not an expert in Wirecloud), but let's try to answer... :)


[GET /v2/entities] Return empty list, whereas I have available 2 FIWARE services: environment and urbansense. The entities I want to access are available with the urbansense fiware-service having /basic fiware-servicepath.

If the entities you want to access are available in a given service and subservice, then you should add then to the GET request. I don't know how the http command works, but if it were curl it would be something like this

curl -H 'fiware-service: environment' and -H 'fiware-servicepath: /basic'