
I'm trying to create REST API using Laravel. I'm using JWT (Tymon\JWTAuth) to authenticate users.

Here is part of my api.php file with /api routes:

Route::middleware('auth:api')->get("match/{id}", "ApiMatchController@getMatch");
Route::middleware('auth:api')->put("match/{id}", "ApiMatchController@editMatch");

Now, I'm sending GET request to /api/match/7. Authorized user gets match details as expected. Unauthorized user is redirected to root url / but I want user to stay on the url, I just want to return HTTP code 401 - Unauthorized. Where can I change this? I can do that inside of ApiMatchController@getMatch method but I would like middleware auth:api to do that for me. Is there any way how to do this?

Then, I'm sending PUT request to /api/match/7 with some data. Request from authorized user works just fine but unauthorized user now gets HTTP code 405 - Method Not Allowed (with debug info: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\MethodNotAllowedHttpException: The PUT method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: GET, HEAD.). Why? I cleared the route cache and as you can see, there IS a defined route in api.php. This behaviour really happens just with unauthorized user.

Does it show up on php artisan route:listryantxr
Yes, it really does.P.N.

1 Answers


About the first part:

Authorized user gets match details as expected. Unauthorized user is redirected to root url / but I want user to stay on the url, I just want to return HTTP code 401 - Unauthorized. Where can I change this?

This is because your default guard is web, so in that case when a user tries to access a protected route it will be redirected to the home page (by default, this can also customized of course).

To change the default guard to api go to config/auth.php and change it like this:

'defaults' => [
    'guard' => 'api',
    'passwords' => 'users',

Note: When making HTTP Requests, add this headers:

/** The following tells Laravel that you want a response in json format. */
Accept: application/json
/** The following is for POST/PUT/PATCH requests, it tells the request payload format. */
Content-type: application/json

About the second part:

Request from authorized user works just fine but unauthorized user now gets HTTP code 405 - Method Not Allowed

PHP doesn't handle well the PUT/PATCH/DELETE methods, in order to bypass this inconvinience do a POST request and then add a hidden _method field to the form. The value sent with the _method field will be used as the HTTP request method:

Request body (the method is case sentitive):


    Accept: application/json
    Content-type: application/json

Payload or Body:
    _method: PUT