
I am trying to export a blender file (v2.79) to gltf 2.0 with material. I am using khronos gltf exporter for this purpose. I have also linked the gltf materials as indicated in the document here - https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-Exporter/blob/master/docs/user.md

Here is a screenshot of how the model looks like in Blender -

enter image description here

Here is how the .glb file looks like when I open it in a 3d viewer or in a-frame

enter image description here

I am not sure if this being exported with flat shading which causes it to not be affected by light when viewed outside blender. Could you kindly help figure this out?


1 Answers


It looks like your main problem is MetallicFactor is set to 1.0, try setting this to 0.0 instead. A doughnut is typically not metallic.

Also, RoughnessFactor could come down as well. If this is a shiny glaze, it could come down to 0.0, or you could try 0.1 or 0.2 to see how it looks.

Also I should point out that the glTF Exporter you're using is obsolete now. Its replacement, glTF-Blender-IO works on both Blender 2.79 and Blender 2.80. The new project allows you to use Blender's Principled BSDF node directly, rather than a custom glTF node. But if you're fine using the custom glTF node, it doesn't hurt to stick with the old exporter for now.