I'm splitting my data set into training, validation and test data and then perform gridsearch-crossvalidation on the training data. Is that enough as cross validation method, or do I need to implement k-fold cross validation after my GridSearchCV? I'm a bit confused as I'm thinking the gridsearch only helps me find the optimal hyper parameters.
1 Answers
Grid search is an exhaustive search for hyperparameters of the model but also has cross validation included, if you want to use it. It takes more time to run a grid search with CV as it is an exhaustive method. Grid search in sklearn has an option for cross validation cv
. Please refer to the official document for more info on this https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV.html
You can also provide a KFold class to your gridsearch like this
validation = KFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True)
clf = GridSearchCV(..., cv=validation)
You can also run a combination of CV and gridsearch i.e. gridsearch on every cross validation iteration though that will be very computation intensive.