
I've setup firebase auth and cloud storage on my application. Whenever I try to upload a file, however, I'm getting an error I can't find any information about. The error is a 400: Bad Request with the following message

Listing objects in a bucket is disallowed for rules_version = "1". Please update storage security rules to rules_verison = "2" to use list.

I can't seem to find anything about updating security rules_version. Note, when I look at the firebase console, the upload actually successfully goes through, but the HTTP return is still the error above. What does it mean by listing objects, and how can I update my security rules?

For more information, my upload code (in Kotlin) is

 fun uploadImage(uri: Uri, path: String): Task<Uri> {
            val storageRef = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().reference
            val storagePath = storageRef.child(path)
            return storagePath.putFile(uri).continueWithTask{ storageRef.downloadUrl }

I call it with

public override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        if (requestCode in 0..2 && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            val cropImageUri = CropImage.getActivityResult(data).uri
            val systemTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
            val path = "$userId/$systemTime"
            //IMAGE UPLOAD HERE:
            FirebaseImageResource.uploadImage(cropImageUri, path)
                    .addOnCompleteListener {
                if (it.isSuccessful) {
                    imageUris[requestCode] = it.result.toString()

My firebase rules are the default:

service firebase.storage {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth != null;

I'm also successfully authing with Facebook Login

override fun onSuccess(loginResult: LoginResult) {
                val credential = FacebookAuthProvider.getCredential(loginResult.accessToken.token)

(It lacks a success listener right now, but I know it's working because when I don't use it, I get an unauthorized error instead, and the file doesn't actually upload)

The Firebase team has created an issue on GitHub for you. Could you check in there and answer some questions about this problem? github.com/firebase/firebase-android-sdk/issues/429Doug Stevenson

3 Answers


You need to prepend this to your Firebase Storage rules:

rules_version = '2';

An example is this:

rules_version = '2';
service firebase.storage {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth != null;

I suspect that this is a case of a not-so-helpful error message.


Just replace your upload code from

fun uploadImage(uri: Uri, path: String): Task<Uri> {
        val storageRef = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().reference
        val storagePath = storageRef.child(path)
        return storagePath.putFile(uri).continueWithTask{ storageRef.downloadUrl }} 


fun uploadImage(uri: Uri, path: String): Task<Uri> {
        val storageRef = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().reference
        val storagePath = storageRef.child(path)
        return storagePath.putFile(uri).continueWithTask{ storagePath.downloadUrl }}

I solved it with the following setps

  1. Sign in Firebase console
  2. Select project
  3. Click Storage button
  4. Select Rules tab
  5. Insert top "rules_version = '2';"