I am trying to implement an array-based ring buffer that is thread-safe for multiple producers and a single consumer. The main idea is to have atomic head and tail indices. When pushing an element to the queue, the head is increased atomically to reserve a slot in the buffer:
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
template <class T> class MPSC {
std::atomic<int> head{0}; ///< index of first free slot
std::atomic<int> tail{0}; ///< index of first occupied slot
std::unique_ptr<T[]> data;
std::unique_ptr<std::atomic<bool>[]> valid; ///< indicates whether data at an
///< index has been fully written
/// Compute next index modulo size.
inline int advance(int x) { return (x + 1) % MAX_SIZE; }
explicit MPSC(int size) {
if (size <= 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("size must be greater than 0");
MAX_SIZE = size + 1;
data = std::make_unique<T[]>(MAX_SIZE);
valid = std::make_unique<std::atomic<bool>[]>(MAX_SIZE);
/// Add an element to the queue.
/// If the queue is full, this method blocks until a slot is available for
/// writing. This method is not starvation-free, i.e. it is possible that one
/// thread always fills up the queue and prevents others from pushing.
void push(const T &msg) {
int idx;
int next_idx;
int k = 100;
do {
idx = head;
next_idx = advance(idx);
while (next_idx == tail) { // queue is full
k = k >= 100000 ? k : k * 2; // exponential backoff
} // spin
} while (!head.compare_exchange_weak(idx, next_idx));
if (valid[idx])
// this throws, suggesting that two threads are writing to the same index. I have no idea how this is possible.
throw std::runtime_error("message slot already written");
data[idx] = msg;
valid[idx] = true; // this was set to false by the reader,
// set it to true to indicate completed data write
/// Read an element from the queue.
/// If the queue is empty, this method blocks until a message is available.
/// This method is only safe to be called from one single reader thread.
T pop() {
int k = 100;
while (is_empty() || !valid[tail]) {
k = k >= 100000 ? k : k * 2;
} // spin
T res = data[tail];
valid[tail] = false;
tail = advance(tail);
return res;
bool is_full() { return (head + 1) % MAX_SIZE == tail; }
bool is_empty() { return head == tail; }
When there is a lot of congestion, some messages get overwritten by other threads. Hence there must be something fundamentally wrong with what I'm doing here.
What seems to be happening is that two threads are acquiring the same index to write their data to. Why could that be?
Even if a producer were to pause just before writing it's data, the tail could not increase past this threads idx and hence no other thread should be able to overtake and claim that same idx.
At the risk of posting too much code, here is a simple program that reproduces the problem. It sends some incrementing numbers from many threads and checks whether all numbers are received by the consumer:
#include "mpsc.hpp" // or whatever; the above queue
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
static constexpr int N_THREADS = 10; ///< number of threads
static constexpr int N_MSG = 1E+5; ///< number of messages per thread
struct msg {
int t_id;
int i;
MPSC<msg> q(N_THREADS / 2);
std::thread threads[N_THREADS];
// consumer
threads[0] = std::thread([&q] {
int expected[N_THREADS] {};
for (int i = 0; i < N_MSG * (N_THREADS - 1); ++i) {
msg m = q.pop();
std::cout << "Got message from T-" << m.t_id << ": " << m.i << std::endl;
if (expected[m.t_id] != m.i) {
std::cout << "T-" << m.t_id << " unexpected msg " << m.i << "; expected " << expected[m.t_id] << std::endl;
return -1;
expected[m.t_id] = m.i + 1;
// producers
for (int id = 1; id < N_THREADS; ++id) {
threads[id] = std::thread([id, &q] {
for (int i = 0; i < N_MSG; ++i) {
q.push(msg{id, i});
for (auto &t : threads)
stuff is superfluous. – Ulrich Eckhardtwhile (next_idx == tail)
this can be yet false. but after this check and beforehead.compare_exchange_weak(idx, next_idx)
- can benext_idx == tail
already. whilehead
the same (thehead
make full loop (advanceMAX_SIZE
times, whiletail
once). this will be most visible on 2 element bufferMAX_SIZE == 2
. say for (h,t) pair - intially it (0,0). when thread #1 checknext_idx == tail
all ok here. and then another threads do - (0,0)-push->(1,0)-pop->(1,1)-push->(0,1) so now (0,1) state at time CAS for thread #1. head == 0 again, but t == 1. queue is full – RbMm